Create New Traditions: Cozy Fall Books For the Whole Family

Where we live, in sunny Arizona, we have to travel to the mountains to see the trees change color, but we enjoy fall books and traditions with our children anyway. I just love this time of year, the weather is perfect for sitting on the porch with a cozy blanket and a book! Even though

Cozy fall books. Book with a mug of hot cocoa. Fall leaves and a warm sweater.

The Best Homeschool Learning Apps (Plus 9 Screen Time Tips!)

A balanced but cautious approach ⎯ I want to share some homeschool learning apps that have been helpful over the years along with some newer ones we have enjoyed. But first, here are some tips for navigating tech and screen time in our children’s educations. We like to keep a healthy mix of technology in

the best homeschool learning apps plus screen time tips. A boy holds an iPad, and a book shelf.

A Simplified and Inspirational Morning Time for Homeschool

Morning Time for homeschooling. It may have many different names and methods but the practice is a beautiful and enriching one for our homes. Cindy Rollins has been faithfully encouraging others about “Morning Time” for many years. Others, like Pam Barnhill and Sarah Mackenzie, have even written books on the subject. Recently you’ll see on

A stack of books. Morning time books. Poetry. Bible Stories. Art appreciation. "A simplified and inspirational morning time for homeschool."

How to Teach Homeschool Art Lessons in the Younger Years

Teaching homeschool art can be so much fun. You don’t need to be an artist to give your child a great experience learning the skills that will build a foundation for further studies. Like anything in homeschooling, we can learn as we go and still provide a wonderful education. Here is a guide to getting

Homeschooling With Four Kids: An Honest Day In The Life.

Hello there, welcome in! Today I want to share a little window into our homeschool life. Every day is a little different but this is just a regular weekday rhythm. Here in our home, we thrive on a combination of routines, habits, and checklists to keep us productive. The awesome thing about homeschooling is that

alice, carroll, clock, Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, Alice in Wonderland,

Nature Study with Kids – How to Raise Butterflies

Observing metamorphosis for nature study. What an incredible experience for a child to witness the miracle of a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly. I think it should be something a child gets to observe at least once . I decided to order a kit for the end of my daughter’s kindergarten year and I

Nature study. How to raise butterflies.

The Best Books for Teaching Reading

Living books versus twaddle. In the world of early readers, there are mountains of books designed to help your child learn to read. When teaching reading, we want to give our kids the best books for learning, but how can we find them in the overwhelming number of options? Authors and publishers of leveled readers

Summer Reading for a Lifetime of Literacy

Creating new reading habits. Summer break is a great time to start new habits with your kids to inspire their love of reading. There is some risk involved though, you don’t want to make them feel like reading is homework or the plan is doomed. Charts, writing assignments, and reward systems can seem like a

A Kindergarten: a year of growth

Metamorphosis Five year olds turning into six year olds is a sort of metamorphosis. At first they’re following you around and unsure of new things. They don’t seem to be able to pay attention long to much, but still have in them that easy excitement over ordinary things. Something special happens around that 6th birthday

I am I can I ought I will, Charlotte Mason quote

Can your child really develop self-education?

Education is the science of relations said Charlotte Mason. In this case, 6th grade science meets art. When I recently gave her this model kit, she grabbed this chemistry book she had been reading as part of her Ambleside Online schedule and built a few models including this one of the fructose molecule. She had